Wow, can’t believe we are almost at the end of January this New year already. It feels like only yesterday we were starting 2014. And it feels like only the day before yesterday we were being born. Every year at this time, I always question myself - what have I achieved so far, now that I'm approaching the BIG Three-Zero? (say, WHAT!?)

If you've read my previous post, you probably already know how sucked my 2014 was. But this year, I vow to be awesome and make it a great one. It actually started well, when I won my very first 1st prize in a lucky draw event last week(Note: I never win anything in lucky draws before in my entire life!I just know that this year is gonna be different and even better than the last.

So here are my resolutions for 2015:

1. Be Patience
I don't think I was born with this thing called 'patience'.I always let my impatience get into me all the time, it's frustrating and I hate myself being like that. I want to be a better person, and I need to just calm down and breatheeee!

2. Save Money
Cutting down on getting more beauty products and pretty clothes are just...tough. After all, did I mention that beauty and fashion are my passions?

3. Get Fit
I am going to be committed to apprehending the criminal mastermind known as “Fit.” That means more water, more healthy food, more workouts...and no more slacking & excuses!

4. Commitment
To do more blogs on fashion and beauty videos on my YouTube channel. I will not give up my dreams for anything in the world, even if I have just a little time to rest after all the stress at work.

5. Less Partying
So over with the title of a 'Party Queen'. Time to grow up and have more Starbucks and less champagne.

6. Be Nice
Oh yeah, home girl can be bitchy. I vow to be nice and less mean to people now. *fingers-crossed*

7. Stop Procrastinating

8. Set Goals
Especially on my career = my current job in my family business.

9. A trip to Melbourne
I have been wanting to go back to my second home for the longest time. It was a place that has so many good memories and it has a special spot in my heart. Every year I tried to make a trip back there but I always failed to. This year, I AM SOOOO GOING BACK THERE! 
p/s: if you're reading this, boyfriend - please book our tickets now!

10. Never Give Up
Quitters are losers, and I definitely do not want to be one. 

So what are your resolutions? Regardless what they are, let's make 2015 a GREAT one! xo

1 comment:

  1. Love your resolutions! Looking forward to your upcoming youtube videos =)
