Why I have been MIA? #Sucky2014

and finally... my very FIRST post of 2015! #HappyNewYear


First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for neglecting my blog for months now. Blame it all on my busy work schedule. I have also been MIA from my YouTube channel for a month as well, and I feel so guilty about it that I think I do owe my viewers an explanation.

2014 probably was the worst year of my life! Everything just went down BAD in terms of my relationship, friendship, job/ work stress and etc. I was physically and mentally exhausted, I was constantly angry and moody over absolutely NOTHING, I always fail to achieve whatever I want and I kept giving up without even bother to put more effort into something I am passionate about -- fashion and beauty. I wasn't feeling inspired and motivated at all!

Towards the end of 2014, things started to get better but still not good enough. So I have decided to take a break from everything, and just patiently wait for another great new year to come. Work was pretty hectic because, it was the end of the year - DUH! that means endless year end reports, preparing for new year records, business trips and etc. Just in case you don't know, I do have a permanent job and I am currently working for my family business. Then i fell sick after, lost my voice for 2 weeks straight, which is why I have been MIA from YouTube because I didn't feel like filming when I can't even speak. I was always so tired from work so most of the time I just lied on my bed and do nothing but rest. Then it was the holiday season, when you spend the most times with your families. I went to Singapore for Christmas with my family and we had an amazing time celebrating it together. I hope you guys enjoyed your Christmas as much as I did.

That being said, I am SO glad that 2014 is finally over. I am so excited to start fresh and I can't wait to see what's in stock for me on 2015, hopefully all good things and positive vibes ONLY. 

For my YouTube supporters and subscribers, thank you for sticking by and being so supportive. I promise I will film more videos this year (gonna film this weekend so stay tuned for that!) and I will never give up for my passion.

Next post is gonna be my resolutions for 2015 so be sure to watch this space if you're interested! 

Speak soon. xx

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