Hair Tutorial | How I Curl My Hair

Using a curling iron, a straightener or a curling wand, whether you like tight curls or loose waves, there are no right or wrong ways to curl your hair, as long as you are comfortable with the method you use and the result that you would like to achieve in the end. For me, I personally like wavy curls because it looks more natural. I have been curling my hair like this for years, and occasionally there are some girls will ask me how do I achieve this kind of curls. 

Hence why I made this video tutorial for those of you who are curious or wanting to learn something new. It is so simple and fast that I think all of you girls will be able to do it. Watch the video below and I'll show you how.

Products used:

My ideal size of a curling iron/ wand is 1 inch/ 25cm barrel. But, depedning on how big you want you curls to be - if you want tighter curls that can last longer throughout the day, you can choose a 3/4 inch one ; if you want bigger and fluffy curls you can go for 1 inch up to 1.5 inch (25cm or 32cm).

Then you just simply take random piece of hair (ideally about an inch strands of hair) , wrap it around the iron and let it heat up for 5 to 10 seconds max. Be careful with your fingers when you do that, I would suggest to the beginners to wear a glove. When you can feel the heat coming through your hair, that means your curl is ready, but you want the curls to last throughout the day so you would want the curl to cool down first before you release it. Some people will use bobby pins to set the curls and let it cool down, but I choose not to waste my time doing so, so I just use my palm to hold the curls and let it cool down. You would want to do that because your curls will seriously last longer. I always curl it in the morning and I can still have pretty wavy hair the next morning. Make sure you use hairspray to set your hair once you're done curling. JUST THAT SIMPLE!

I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial and find it helpful. If you do have a YouTube channel, please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more interesting videos to come. I stayed up till late even though when I was super sick just to work on this video so I could upload it ASAP for you girls. It would mean the world to me if you can show some loves and supports xx
Till then, see you in my next post 

1 comment:

  1. Your hair are looking wonderful but my hair are already too messy and that is why I want to buy best flat iron that can work best for me without damaging my hair.
